The Old Families

Perhaps I should explain about the Old Families, seeing as I am now one of them, even though I'm not. There are five of them.

There is a tradition about the leader of the original people who settled Dômus Môdé. While traveling here, he had five sons by his first wife, and then she died. He married again when they reached Dômus Môdé and had five daughters by the second wife. One wonders where he found time to lead his people.

The five sons are supposed to be the founders of the five Elder Races and the five daughters became the founders of the Old Families. Hmmmm! The sons became “Elder” and the daughters became “Old”? Just an observation.

Anyway, four of the daughters married, and because their father was the great leader, they became the spiritual rulers of their domains: Dünlé [DUNE-lay], Nivram, Brächlé [BRAHKH-lay], and the Wandering Trigairen. Their lineage passes down the female line but not always to the eldest. It's a spiritual thing. They live modestly, and don't rule so much as guide. The Trigairen don't live in any one place but travel around making life easier, acting as guardians of something or other and generally sticking their noses in other people's business. Rose says that I'm doing “it” quite well, but she hasn't been able to really explain what “it” is. I'm not sure she's complimenting me, either.

The fifth daughter, who was the first daughter, being only the fifth daughter here because I mentioned her last even though she was the first daughter married the prince of the Morchain lands and went to live with him in his lands. Their descendants live in the mountains south of Käläkhän and talk to rocks, which wouldn't be so bad except the rocks seem to answer them. There are strong political and familial ties between the Princes of Morchain and the Kings of Käläkhän.

Copyright © 2021 by Robert W. Dills